Thursday, January 10, 2008

What would you order at the average pretentious-type coffee shop?


K8 said...

1 drip coffe black.

they hate me at those coffee shops. or maybe they love me. no work for them.

Anonymous said...

Large drip. Maybe a latte with an extra shot.

Dr. Pepe said...

i like my coffee like i like my women. hot, black and wrapped in a corporate-branded cardboard sleeve.

Anonymous said...

Venti, no-whip, extra shot, sugarfree, vanilla skim latte and a fat free blueberry coffee cake

Leslie said...

large skim cappuccino or double macchiato. i like to say "large" or "double" rather than "venti" or "dopio".

also, a word of warning - do not accidentally cut a sbux line during the holiday season. even if you immediately move to the back of the line and apologize profusely people don't appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

I don't make enough money to buy a cup of Joe (that's so New England of me) at these pretentious-type coffee shops.

Anonymous said...

Small coffee, or if at Murky on the Hill, a classic cappuccino. And like Leslie, I refuse to use Starbucks' inaccurate quasi-Italian names for the sizes of my drinks. The day that I do is the same day that I go to McD's and request a venti fries.

Evan said...

Once I was in Barcelona and ordered a skinny (non fat) venti hazelnut latte and the barrista asked in a thick Spanish accent:

"Creme? No creme?"

I replied in a bizarre Spanglish accent

"Creme? No creme!"

She looked at me like I was a freak.
I am.
The shame.

Unknown said...

I too refuse to use "italian" sizes at starbucks.

I ask for a Large, non fat, sugar-free vanilla latte.

rob said...

house, black.

JP said...

The first time I ordered a "tall" I was pissed how fucking short the cup was. I just get plain coffee. My former roommate on the other hand would make sure they had to check every box on the cup and add a few boxes too.

Anonymous said...

i, too, cannot afford these places but when i find an extra few dollars in my pocket... well, i love a caramel macchiato, extra caramel please.

SngngMSW said...

medium cappucino with skim milk.

Anonymous said...

Skim vanilla latte. And sometimes a piece of "low fat" coffee cake. It's ok because it's low fat. Ha.

Phillippe said...

i'm going to have to go with a "half double decaffinated half-caf, with a twist of lemon"