Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Which type of umbrella do you prefer?


erin said...

I would like a clear one so that I stop walking into shit.

Leslie said...

I always use the small, travel-sized, retractable umbrellas because they can fit in my giant bag. I always keep an umbrella in there because I would never remember to grab one. But the one I have now is pretty tiny. I would like a retractable that grew to be giant.

I would also like a big girl umbrella that is regular-sized and has a curved handle. I think I would feel like a grown-up.

Or an umbrella with clouds on the inside like Justin has.

Or maybe a nubrella.

tamika said...

Once, I bought a clear bubble umbrella that was awesome. Then I left it at a happy hour and I was sad. Now I have a red duck umbrella that my roommate brought home from lost and found.

Cate said...

i think i would prefer a bubble umbrella, but would probably lose it at a happy hour like tamkia. because they are easy to tote, i usually get travel-sized tiny ones. and i leave those at happy hours, too.

Dan said...

I am partial to the um-ba-rella...ella...ella

Unknown said...

I like the big ones with the hook handle. I have a Monet one like that. Although, I only ever use it when I know I'm not going anywhere after work because it's a pain to lug around. Usually I use purse-friendly ones. I had a great one that was automatic up and down and the perfect shade of purple to match my rain shoes and trench coat, but it broke :(. I've had to settle for one way automatics in various non-perfect shades ever since.

Lisa said...

I like my Alabama retractable that I won at the Bama Bound BBQ last year. However, my umbrella and I are rarely in the same place when I could use it, so I often walk in the rain. I don't sing though b/c no one would want to hear that.

My word is "demonons" today. I hope that is not a sign of how A&K are going to act during our 2nd day in Cooperstown!

Sean said...

I'd like one strong enough to fend-off theiving ruffians, roving rapscallions and ornery ne'er-do-wells. "Back! Back, I say!"

If it had a hidden sword, that'd be... all right.

Justin said...

Large ones!

beenu said...

the kind that keeps me dry.

Cate said...

i saw a dude today w/ one that was probably 5 feet across. i rolled my eyes at him.

Sister Ashley said...

To me, this is a funny question as I havent used an umbrella in 5 years. OH, the desert!