Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Which/who is a bigger dbag: BP oil or Rush Limbaugh?


David said...

Definitely Rush!

Aimee said...

Rush for sure! At least BP supports the gay community.

pinchie said...

Someday, Rush will die. But the environmental damage from the oil spill is permanent, so I say BP Oil.

Dan said...

Rush is a bigger dbag. BP is a bigger monster.

John said...

Tough one, is there a way to combine the two...oh god I just got a mental image of Rush slathered in oil (and now you all do too)


Andrew said...

Definitely Rush. He may pass on one day, but he has created and indoctrinated a whole lot of gullible disciples.

Dan said...

I'm gonna go with BP. I think Rush is a hate monger, but he hasn't caused what may turn out to be the largest environmental disaster in history.

If BP is found negligent, the company should be dismantled, the joke of a ruling that Exxon had to pay after the Valdez disaster was pathetic, considering Exxon is the most profitable company in history, with revenue over 10 billion.. They paid $287 million for actual damages and $5 billion for punitive damages. Keep in mind this was an oil tanker, so the actual amount of oil that could spill into the ocean was limited on the size of the tanker, once it was empty, that was it.

BP has a direct line into the earth that is spewing oil into the water, if they don't cap the damn thing, we may be waiting a long time.

Mike said...


Hailey Snow said...

BP- Obviously. Rush sucks, but nothing ever died because of it. Talk is cheap, cleaning up oil for years and years and years and fucking our environment for pretty much ever is not. Drill Baby Still?

Justin said...

Rush Limbaugh.

Unknown said...

Dbag isn't strong enough to describe BP.

Dbags like Rush are annoying and wrong and somewhat dangerous.

BP has been selling out the future of humanity and our way of life for at least the last 30 years if not more, and trying to paint it in pretty yellow and green colors so we don't notice. I don't think evil is too strong a word.

Cate said...

This is a hard decision - but I'm going with BP. In addition to this recent disaster, they are guilty of

1. killing 15 when a mismanaged BP refinery blew up in TX in 2005
2. ongoing problems with their pipeline in Alaska

and all while jumping on the greenwashing bandwagon with their "beyond petroleum" bullshit.