Tuesday, March 30, 2010

If you could get a mulligan from college and do something differently, what two things would you change: one academic and one non-academic?


rob said...

study abroad

and then maybe take classes in a different country.


Leslie said...

study abroad and get involved in campus politics.

i like the word mulligan.

erin said...

1. Not take that stupid cognitive psychology class. My only bad grade in my life b/c no one could figure out what the prof wanted.

2. Gone on spring break. Or not have had any gin. Nothing good ever came after drinking gin.

Hailey Snow said...

1. I would have studied abroad

2. Backstory- I graduated college in two and a half years (i went to santa cruz, so i wouldnt change that), but i had just turned 20 when i graduated. The point- i would have stayed friends with Kacy Studeman because her i.d. looked just like me and i could have kept going to bars... illegally.

K8 said...

change major to nursing. drink one beer less a night.

Scottie said...

Probably would have gone to a much bigger school. Thanks for encouraging me to aim high, Mom. I got accepted to freaking Iowa and UCLA, dammit!

And on the non-academic side, I would have done it right out of high school.

Whatever, my lil CSUN diploma's got the Terminator's signature on it. Word.

Dan said...

1) I would have taken a few years off after high school before going to college.

2) I would have majored in computer forensics.

John said...

Academic: major in history with a minor in either political science with a quant background or some nerdy stats/computer shit

Non-academic: start working in cafeteria freshman year instead of the library, that was still the most fun I've had at any job

John said...

FYI, when I posed this question to my thread of college friends we quickly became depressed...so you may need to consult yesterday's qotd (the happy music one, not the poopy one)

Beth R. said...

1. I would have taken some econ classes. I love my libby arts, but my total lack of business knowledge is a drag in grad school.

2. I dated the same guy all through high school and college--and he was a great guy--but if I could go back I would date around more.

Dan said...

I would have studied a foreign language.

I would not have gotten a credit card.

Cate said...

academic: i would have majored in Plan II (an interdisciplinary honors major) instead of starting out in architecture. do not major in the really specific thing you can never see yourself actually doing.

non-academic: starting junior year, i would have spent less time hanging out with dudes i didn't particularly like and more time hanging out with the quirky but awesome dudes. i had/have great girlfriends from college, but the social circle we were in included some not awesome dudes. the quirky but awesome dudes figured this out and stopped hanging out with them. we should have done the same.

pinchie said...

1. K8! I also should have gone into nursing. If not that, I should have gone to grad school right after college, because I've now lost all motivation for that.

2. Smoked more pot on the weekends. It was easier back then.

Andrew said...

Academic: I wouldn't have missed that one Human Geography class the day before Thanksgiving break. Because of that, I got an 80 in attendence and thus an 89 for the semester ruining my only semester of getting a perfect 4.0 GPA. Damn.

Non-Academic: I wouldn't have stopped swimming for school after my sophomore year.

beenu said...

academic: pick up another major in econ

nonacademic: i wouldn't get invovled w/ student government. bunch of tools. just ask martin and kate.

tamika said...

Academic: I would've studied abroad.

Non-Academic: I would've tried a shower beer and done more keg stands.

Flannery said...

Academically, like Tamika, I would have showered more.

Non-academically: I would have showered more.

Justin said...

academic - I like Rob's response, I think I will borrow it, "I would have studied abroad."

non-academic - I would have started sleeping with boys.

Jonathan Ayer said...

Academic: I should have realized that if I just needed to get a foreign language req. out of the way, why did I first start with conversational French. I learned after a year and switched to the easier and simple French in translation (all paper, no speaking... thank you Babelfish).

Nonacademic: I would NOT have gone to college holding onto a high school girl-friend (that I came back to see every weekend and didn't make many friends that first year...and who I eventually just inevitably just cheated on anyhow).