Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Which liberal/progressive celebrities would you like to play poker with if you were at the Convention?


Unknown said...

Kirsten Dunst. I don't even know if she's liberal...or even if she is still a "celebrity," but she's my celebrity crush!

Scottie said...

Table of doom:
George Clooney
Matt Damon
Alec Baldwin
Bill Clinton
...and me

About the only table of men in the world where I would feel completely inadequate as a man.

Anonymous said...

I don't play poker.

K8 said...

eddie vedder likes ralph nader. i can't answer this question.

Cate said...

Clooney. Michael Ian Black. Seth Meyers. Neil Patrick Harris. Jennifer Tilly.

Its been too long since I've played.

Unknown said...

Andy Dick, Megadeath, Zoltron, and the letter "J".

Heavy betters all, with really bad tells.

Anonymous said...

No one wants to play "Poke Her" with me? I am totally willing to make my house full and follow that up with a royal flush.

Anonymous said...

Janice, don't you have a PTA meeting to be at.

SngngMSW said...

Ben affleck, seth myers, sarah silverman, richard dreyfuss, and montel williams. Oh wait...I already did that!

Next time I'm hoping for brad pitt, tim robbins, and susan name a few.

Scottie said...

I would think Janice would have preferred three of a kind...or a straight...and I think she'd give new meanings to the terms "flop" and "turn"...and possibly even "river"

Anonymous said...

river? i don't even know her!

Unknown said...

Booo! Bruno. No rubbing it in.

Leslie said...

george clooney
susan sarandon
tim robbins
amanda bynes

Unknown said...

no contest...shawn johnson. i bet her recitation of the pledge of allegiance will be gold medal quality.