Thursday, August 28, 2008

If you were a delegate at the convention what would your flair be?


Anonymous said...

1) PUMA hunter safari get up

2) sweater made of the tears of hillary supports

K8 said...

I'm obsessed with Chris Mathews hair. I can't stop talking about it. He looks like Any Warhol. You know, he's that kid that stumbled around with untied shoelaces all the time.

My flair? My grandmother's home-made vintage t-shirt 'vote for kennedy' that she wore for Bobby back in the day.

Anonymous said...

well, of course I would have my "Barack and Roll" shirt. The rest of the flair would probably be other assorted puns.

As for Matthews' hair, I really don't know what to say. He should take some lessons from Olberman his hair doesn't go anywhere during the broadcast.

Did you know the bird of paradise flower is closely related the the banana?

Cate said...

big hair, hairspray, boots, cowboy hat, denim, a horse, my guns, silver jewelry, and the ghost of ann richards

Unknown said...

i'd get "Vote Democrat" tattooed on my ass and then go around mooning cable news camera crews while shakin' it to bad disco music.

Unknown said...

...and of course, pink flamingo sunglasses. nothing says democrat better.

John said...

I'd dress in full viet cong gear just to scare the crap out of McCain.

Anonymous said...

Kate, I'm pretty sure Mathews is drunk. Like, all the time. He seems so out of it, doesn't he?! That would explain his bedhead.

A lot of the lady delegates seem to be wearing embroidered chambray shirts. I could get on board with that . . .

Scottie said...

A t-shirt that has a picture of Obama looking sideways with one eyebrow raised, that says "Can you smell what Barack is cookin'???"