Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Where is the least appropriate place to take a picture of one's balls on someone else's camera?


SngngMSW said...

is it ever appropriate?

Anonymous said...

Why the answer is elementary dear Watson...the most inappropriate place to take a piccie of your balls with someone else's camera would be the camera owner's mother's bed, preferably with their parents in the bed with you.

K8 said...

that guy is at every party. i remember my first ball picture when i developed a roll from my camera my first year in college. ahhh.. brian wood's balls.

anyway. not appropriate! put it away.

Anonymous said...

In front of a girl scout troop?

Cate said...

your friends' classy wedding reception

Anonymous said...

This one time, I took a picture of my half-retarded son's balls and....oh, I should stop right there.

Sarah said...

i am disturbed by this question...

rob said...

in my mouth

JP said...

On the face of the camera owner while they are sleeping.

Unknown said...

i gotta go with office party, particularly a classy holiday affair. someone might think it'd be a nice Christmas card photo.

Unknown said...

In the morgue... Or on an alter at their church... Or even better, in the bathroom as the "boys" rest genitally (pun) on the bristles of your friend's toothbrush.

Leslie said...

a small child's birthday party. gross. today's question is slightly disturbing. seriously, who takes a picture of that subject matter with a stranger's camera?

p.s. i heart that evan is answering from london. cheerio!

Anonymous said...

my uncle once took a picture of his package on a camera that someone left on the rotating bar at the top of the space needle. i wonder if that picture made it into the family vacation to seattle scrapbook...