Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Adding water to the shampoo/conditioner to get that last bit out? Thrifty, cheap, lazy or something else?


Anonymous said...

You're not working harder. You're working smarter. Totally doable, but there is a 3-day limit.

Scottie said...

Yeah...that's acceptable. I'm a bigger proponent of just storing the bottle upside down when it gets below a certain level, but the water in the bottle trick has worked for me in the past.

Anonymous said...


K8 said...

waste not want not!

Anonymous said...

Ah, thrifty!

rob said...

definitely not lazy... that shit takes work.

Leslie said...

I definitely did it this morning...

Anonymous said...

i forgot to buy more shampoo when i went to target!!

Ashley Hall said...

definately resourceful if neccessary, but the real question is how many times do you repeat this step?