Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Should the video made by the kid from 'Two and a Half Men' have an impact on his career?


K8 said...

I think getting out of the cult is more important than career right now.

1.A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
2.A relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

Andrew said...

I think it should impact his career. Dial it back a minute from the whole born-again Christian thing. An actor is, by all intents and purpose, an artist. But, he is also an employee of the show, of the network, and of the producer. If I publicly and nationally degraded my place of employment, I would be not only fired but considered untrustworthy by potential future employers. I see no difference here.

rob said...

i absolutely think it should impact his career. aside from me thinking he's a deluded sonofabitch, if you deride your employer publicly, there will be consequences. i hope future employers will take notice of this if they can't see past his... uh... i guess it loosely conforms to the definition of "acting"