Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Spiders/rodents/snakes: which would be the worst to find in bed with you?


Matt Roberts said...

Its all about the rats. They are invincible and want to drink your blood. http://www.cracked.com/article_19645_5-reasons-rats-are-way-scarier-than-you-think.html

pinchie said...

My cat dropped a live mouse in my bed, and it was horrifying. A rat in my bed? Oh my god, I hope that never happens to anyone I like. Somehow a snake would disturb me less.

Dan said...

A long time ago I had a nightmare that there was a rat under the pillow. Easily among the five scariest experiences of my life.

Jon said...

Spiders. Got bit by a brown recluse when I was 14 and it wasn't fun.

Cate said...

All of the above. Shudder. The very, very worst for me would be a cockroach. Eeek!

Sean said...

Spiders by a long shot. Put all four of us in a sleeping bag and I'd be fighting the rat and snake to be first out and away from that creepy-crawly devil.