Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who would you cast as the Munster's in NBC's Munsters remake?


John said...

the kardashians

Dan said...

Joe Biden in multiple roles a la the Nutty Professor.

Scottie said...

I'd cast stones at the idiots who greenlit this piece of shit. This show wasn't good when it was originally on, so this drek doesn't stand a chance. I give it four episodes before it's canceled. There isn't enough fuckyou in the world for the studio and network execs who thought this was a good idea.

Oh, and Tim Robbins as Herman.

Cate said...

Herman Munster - Will Smith
Lily Munster - the Millionaire Matchmaker
Grandpa - Danny Devito
Eddie Munster - that kid from Modern Family. The weird one not the prissy one.
Marilyn Munster - Lyndsey Lohan