Thursday, June 16, 2011

Which men are more confusing: gay hipsters or European metrosexuals?


pinchie said...

European metrosexuals. If your clothes cost more than mine, I'm confused.

Cate said...

European metrosexuals because I can't understand them with those accents. Learn to speak American, dude! USA USA.

erin said...

I've dated a European metrosexual, which yielded thoughts like, "Wow, you're prettier than me." And, "Your skincare regimen involves way more steps and high-end products than mine."

BP said...

I would have to go with Western Indian Metrohipsters.

MG said...

im going to second andrew on this one. i once hit on a greek guy who kept winking at me, thinking, for sure this guy is in to me. nope, he just liked my jeans and wanted to know where i got them. while flattering to an extent, it was still super RUDE. dont confuse the gays like that.