Thursday, May 5, 2011

Do you think the US should release photos of Osama Bin Laden, which were taken after he was killed?


Sean said...

Why not? They couldn't be worse than the Bin Laden wedding-night videos.

rob said...

is that a blood joke, sean? strong.

i don't think we should, although i would like to see them.

erin said...

No. It will end up on a death to America poster and/or on the t-shirt of some rube in line at Walmart to buy bullets.

BP said...

No. I don't know what you'd gain by releasing them. Maybe the burial at sea photos with him wrapped, just to prove that that actually took place, to satisfy the conspiracy theorists.

Dan said...

Nope. It wouldn't convince conspiracy theorists that he was really dead, and images like that have a lot of power to incite people.

Benji said...

I say no, it wouldn't do anything to promote a move in a positive direction from either side.

Cate said...

No. I think its ghoulish. And we'd lose the moral high ground. There is a fine line between expressing relief that justice has been done and reveling in the death of an enemy.

Did y'all see that the photos might get released anyway under FOIA?

Scottie said...

Dissenting opinion alert!!!

I actually don't see a problem with releasing the photos, especially since we've already similar things with photos of Saddam's sons and al Zarqawi after they were killed by US forces.

I don't particularly want to see them, but I don't see the big deal, honestly. The Glenn Beck set will just dismiss them as fake anyway.

Andrew said...

No. They never released the death photos of the numerous "Number 2's" that have been killed and they were just as dangerous. The release of the video showing Saddam's execution did nothing but instill rage in the opposition. The same thing will happen here

beenu said...

YES! but i think news organizations should use their discretion in publishing the picture. i believe it's our right to see pictures taken by our government.

jon stewart made an excellent point on his show last night that other news organizations always show casualties of war and terrorist attacks, many at the hand of the US, so it's not like the world isn't used to seeing pictures of people killed by US and other governments.

carolina said...

I initially did not think it would be a problem but then realized no matter what is released, the extreme right wingers and the opposition will find a way to call it a hoax or propoganda or something. Agree that it is better to just keep this image free. Nothing was gained from Saddam´s photos being released.