Thursday, August 26, 2010

Should boys be vaccinated against HPV?


sean said...

What, like, three-wheelers and dirtbikes?

erin said...


K8 said...

i didn't know it was an option- do iliveunderarock. if it is, it should be an option. i'd have my daughter or son vaccinated.

Benji said...

Absolutely and here's why:

1). Protects men from contracting Genital Warts... and those are gross.

2). It will also protect men from contracting some forms of Anal cancer, which is of higher concern among gay men who engage in receptive anal intercourse as well as those with immunocompromised systems, such as occurs with active HIV infection or an AIDS diagnosis

Yay Epidemiology......

Hailey Snow said...

Absolutely. Especially since most women get HPV from men... thanks guys.

Cate said...

yes. this is a vaccine that protects women from getting a sexually-transmitted virus that causes cancer (or warts) from their partners. let me repeat that: there is a vaccine that prevents a type of cancer. we need to stop being puritans.

Unknown said...

hell to the yes. women have to do all kinds of painful and uncomfortable shit to prevent or detect cancer. men just have to turn their head and cough. the least they could do to help us out is get a couple shots.

momofboys said...

Was thinking of this question yesterday. Taking 11 yr old boy to dr tomorrow and will be asking if they give it. If not, will find someone who does.

Leslie said...
