Friday, August 27, 2010

Glenn Beck says there are going to be miracles around his rally: What miracle would you like to see happen on Saturday?


Leslie said...

I would like to see Palin and Beck not only walk on water but also perform a hand-dance on the water in the reflecting pool. Hand-dancing is the coolest!

Hailey Snow said...

i want to see baby making happening in the 500 port a potties down on my softball fields.

beenu said...

i would like someone to pull back the curtain to reveal the mastermind behind beck and palin a la wizard of oz. and you know who it's going to be? CHAOS! yup, everyone favorite dirty hipster from Columbia Heights.

Andrew said...

I would like to see Glenn Beck raise MLK from the dead so he can school these idiots on how blasphemous they're being by invoking his spirit and name to further their causes which are counter to the teachings of Dr. King.

Dan said...

I would like the spirit to move them to confess their utter dishonesty and cynicism.

Courtney said...

Can Palin arrive on a Unicorn? Because I might go to the Mall for that

Mike said...

I want them to be smitten by a plague of locusts.

Justin said...

A bird shitting on his forehead!

Beth said...

Ditto Andrew. Might light a candle for that.

Cate said...

i would like to see some good ol fashioned, Jesus-style healings! let's start with those who are deaf to rational arguments. they will be healed and will be able to understand the constitution. hallelujah! next, those who are blind to the fact that our president is a natural born Christian citizen. they will be healed and will stop spreading birther, Muslim lies. glory be! finally, there will be an exorcism of glenn beck and sarah palin and the demons that have been tormenting this good souls will be cast out. can i get an amen? (amen)! can i get an amen? (amen)! can i get an amen? (amen)!

pinchie said...

I give an AMEN to all of the above!!!

carolina said...

and I also want them to simply disappear into thin air. Viola!

John said...

Albert Puljos steps on a slippery spot created by Glenn Beck's tears and is out for this season and next

Megan D said...

Him go blind then fall down the steps of the Lincoln memorial.

Anonymous said...

for John to realize the wrongness of his wish...

water into wine is always good, plus what Cate said

Andrew said...

I want him to perform baptisms in the reflecting pool, and die of whatever diseases the water fowl put in that thing.

I also want Sarah Palin to go running through the reflecting pool screaming "Glenn! Glenn!" and he goes running in after her to kiss her, a la Forrest Gump.