Friday, June 18, 2010

UT carried out a death sentence via firing squad yesterday. What do you think about 'firing squad' being a way to legally execute a person in the US?


rob said...

I think the better question is, "Do you think we should be able to legally execute a person in the US?"

My answer is no.

erin said...

While I'm against the death penalty (complete waste of resources and not uniformly applied), I'm ok with firing squads. It's a much quicker death than other forms such as lethal injection (3 drug cocktail) and electric chair.

Dan said...

I think it's horrible and barbaric, I think all execution is rather barbaric, but this one in particular... What if the bullets miss their mark, and it takes a while to die. Cruel and Unusual Punishment I say.

All of that being said, Ronnie Lee Gardner (these guys always have 3 names) chose Firing Squad as his means of his death. Also his crime was committed in 1985. So it took 25 years to kill this dude, and he got to pick how he died and it looks like he went with the most sensational.

Utah law allows those on death row to choose the method of their execution, from a list of choices. (you can't pick like, dropping out of an airplane or something, apparently there are restrictions)

The Death Penalty needs to go, I can't even imagine how much the taxpayers spent in the 25 years it took us to kill this dude. We should have just stuck him in jail and forgot about him, that would have been a LOT cheaper.

Unknown said...

I agree that firing squad is actually probably more humane than lethal injection or the chair, but then again, I don't mind if killers do suffer as they die. Their victims probably did. My objection to the death penalty is that it's the easy way out, at least compared to a life of solitary confinement. If I had to be in jail for life, I'd probably rather just end it.

John said...

I have mixed feelings about the death penalty, but I agree it would be easier if we just did life without parole and moved on to other issues.

I don't think this case is a good example of why it's bad. After I read the article about it I thought "fuck him, the guy got off too easy."

Anonymous said...

I'm all for the death penalty and a slow death at that. Murders should be put to death why? because THEY took a LIFE! And life in jail? Raised Taxes Crowded jails and more and more people will say okay I have to do nothing but sit on my but in jail get 3 meals a day? Oh boy! Long story short I support. My opinion, though I am bias my brother was murdered in 1998. The bastard is in for life but id much rather see him dead.

Anonymous said...

i think the artist is just stupid because i do not understand the mean