Tuesday, April 6, 2010

If you could un-invent one thing, what would it be? (nuclear weapons excluded)


Dan said...


ShoeDini Youtube video

Also I would un-invent Gilbert Godfrey.

John said...

If nukes are off the table, then the BCS

Andrew said...

Segways. I mean really? People on those things are tools. Oh, and droopy drawers that seem to be coming back into style. Dear inner city-urban guys, if I wanted to see your Hanes boxer-briefs, I'd buy you a drink first.

Leslie said...

Maybe car alarms.

Unknown said...

jeggings. if i have to be more specific, then white jeggings. i saw them at harris teeter this weekend and i fled from the sight of them. also i was done shopping and on my way out anyway, but i prefer to think of it as fleeing the jeggings.

Cate said...

that pedi-egg thing. shudder!

pinchie said...



Mike said...

Who's the greatest college basketball team of all time?


Beth said...

ooh, car alarms is a good answer. I would uninvent the peanut butter and jelly combo jars. I don't even know if they are still around, but the concept just pisses me off.

tamika said...

Well of course Duke is the best college basketball team of all time. But that doesn't answer the QOTD. I'd un-invent pyramid schemes. I'm looking at you, Scientology.

beenu said...

the entire concept of celebrity and oversharing.

and totes with john, the bcs.

Dan said...

Fox News, televangelism and crack.

Hailey Snow said...

i would uninvent wendys square hamburgers with round buns and round chicken sandwiches with square buns.

its just stupid.

Flannery said...

God. Runner-up: the whammy bar.

Scottie said...

I'd uninvent what was once known as The Learning Channel, and has now become TLC: Now With Midget Exploitation and Glorification of Overpopulationists!!

Unknown said...

How about morgage backed security exchanges? Or IEDs and landmines? Or Ponzi schemes ala Madoff? Humanity is a little too good at inventing ways to treat each other like dirt. :-/