Monday, March 15, 2010

When you're making your way down the street/sidewalk - do you avoid grates, sewer covers, etc?


Scottie said...

Only when I'm wearing heels

John said...

No, but for some weird reason when I go over a grate and can here a subway I always think of Die Hard 3 and I expect John McClain to come running up, pop open the grate, and say "this is a bad idea" right before he jumps on.

erin said...

I avoid grates always when I'm wearing heels or when they're wet. Grates get super slippery when wet.

I do hate when I have to stop and go around to avoid them, especially when walking with a man. I feel weird and old-fashioned.

Unknown said...

i see grates as a good excuse for a calf work out when i'm in heels (i just stay on my toes) and when i'm not i use them as a good way to get around slow moving ladies who don't know how to walk in heels and annoy me on my commute.

Leslie said...

I try to avoid grates when it's raining and they're slippery - I fall enough on my own and don't need mother nature's help. I also avoid them when I'm running with Keira - she is terrified of them and won't go over them so if I don't have the foresight to avoid them inevitably she will go around them and I'll trip over her. I think I'm cool with the sewer covers. When I was younger I never walked on them because I was afraid I would fall in but those were also the days when I avoided stepping on cracks for fear of injuring my mother's spine.

Lisa said...

I usually don't avoid them, but stepped on one outside a metro station a few weeks ago that almost tripped me. It was significantly bowed; I wasn't looking.

Leslie - for some reason, your qotd answer brought back childhood memories of the "swill bucket." Apparently a Bostonian novelty:

brett said...

i don't care, but similar to leslie's experience with keira - teddy avoids all grates like the plague.

i didn't used to think about bruce willis, but now i will. thanks, john!

andrew said...

No, I defiantly walk over them tempting fate to falling through them to my untimely death.

Cate said...

i try to avoid them, especially when i'm in heels. at my old job, we had an intern call in one day b/c her heel had gotten so stuck, she had to take her shoe off and hunker down on the sidewalk to pull it out. she finally decided to call into the office for help.

Sean said...

I step on people who's shoes are stuck in grates.