Friday, February 5, 2010

What are your thoughts on #demonsheep?

(It's a trending twitter topic now... based on this ad from the California Republican Senate primary)


Scottie said...

My thoughts on this ad, and politics in general, can be found here.

Unknown said...

What the hell? It's Friday. Can't we have a QOTD like: what are you most looking forward to eating this Superbowl Sunday?

The #demonsheep is a pretty creepy. I feel like a guy wearing a sheep skin rug crawling through a field with red christmas lights for eyes...isnt really proving a point.

Cate said...

it is bizarre. it doesn't look professional. its way too long. sheep imagery is not the best - has some other connotations that this doesn't entirely escape.

but it definitely taps into CA voters' frustration with the budget and fears about the economy.

Brett said...

well, war is as much about misdirection as it is about direct attack, and this is both. to me, this is a great WTF way to open the mudslinging on the republican side without going overboard. Throw your opponent way off with an ad out of left field, and garner a TON of free press and conversations.

the most interesting part is whether or not people outside of the political spectrum just think it's silly.

side bar - i met carly in 1999 while interning at lucent in nj. it's funny - cause it was pretty much a political grip and grin move - even though she was an exec. she met with a bunch of the interns, gave a speech, and then did a 20 minute meet and greet.

Beth said...

so, so weird. super long. doesn't really mention Carly. manages to look cheep and like the spent money on it at the same time. and downright creepy.

John said...

I'm just glad a Republican is looking like a dumbass for a change this election cycle.

Wait, what's that you say? The Illinois LG nominee tried to stab his hooker ex gf? Ah, there we go, back to the normal rhythm of this election cycle.

Andrew said...

I loved how Rachel Maddow made fun of it last night ... repeatedly. She wore a mask, a guy dressed in a sheep costume. It was hilarious. Ironic that the true conservatives accuse him symbolically of being a fallen shepherd while they themselves are sheep.

Beth said...

pink floyd version: