Thursday, August 14, 2008

What do you think of synchronized diving?


Unknown said...

I think its a giant Bagga Onions!!!

Anonymous said...

It's un-frickin-believable! And I think the age cutoff for those athletes is 16 years old.....

Leslie said...

i think it probably started as a dare at a pool somewhere with four bored divers

Beth said...

I think it's important the dives look pretty.

rob said...

it rules.

SngngMSW said...

weird. it reminds me a little of playing in the pool as kids..."mom, watch this, we're diving at the same time!!!" except we weren't wearing tiny speedos or diving from 100 feet in the air.

K8 said...

i think it's awesome. imagine have the stength to dive like that to begin with and to have it perfectly timed with a partner you are aware of the entire time? no way. another miller lite please!

Anonymous said...

i think it's lame. like your mom.

(that's not directed at anyone's mom in particular)

Cate said...

generally, i like it. divers are crazy - especially platform - 10 meters looks awfully high when you're up there. diving next to another person just creates one more thing to crash into as you plummet to the pool.

Anonymous said...

Hot. Two ripped, limber, felxible men twisting around for my enjoyment? Am I right ladies?

Anonymous said...

I think that the difficulty points should increase with the difference in body types of the two girls. It seems like that would make it harder.