Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What is your favorite G-rated insult?


K8 said...

My brothers and I and childhood friends used a specific term :Fart-Face Curtis.

We made it up. I don't know. But i still say it in my head a lot.

Anonymous said...

Fart Head or Dummy...

Scottie said...

Was watching Family Guy last night, and Stewie used the line "You shut up, you infantile stupid!" HUGE fan of using the word stupid as a noun.

Anonymous said...

You pudgey-faced apple-john!

Alyssa said...


Anonymous said...

smurf you you smurfing smurfhole.

Anonymous said...

perhaps "liar liar pants on fire"...never quite got that one ;-)

Anonymous said...

"stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder"

Scottie said...

Who's scruffy lookin'???

JP said...

Got an email from someone don't know the other day that just said "turd pirate". That is now my favorite insult.

Leslie said...


Anonymous said...

Is carpetlicker rated G?

Unknown said...

doo doo head is a winner in my book