Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Should welfare applicants be required to pass a drug test before receiving benefits?


rob said...

Nope. Unless we test everyone who uses govt services (roads, street lights, Medicare, social security, etc) we shouldn't arbitrarily test sections of society.

Mike said...

Devils advocate. Goal of welfare should be to support people for a short period while they find a job, not to subsidize drug habits. Drug use stands in the way of a persons ability to get a job and thus is counteracting the positive effects of welfare. Welfare is different from other govt services and thus it is ok to treat it differently. Once people are off welfare and back in the job force they can go back to their pot smoking, crack smoking, shooting up ways.

erin said...

Most of my mom's friends on Facebook seem to say "yes".

Hailey Snow said...

Im actually ok with this. The part i find funny is that Rs are all for this, yet it totally goes against their whole "dont tread on me" bullshit, doesnt it?

Scottie said...

Just legalize and tax the SHIT out of drugs, and this goes does the debt crisis, the budget deficit, the overcrowding prison problem...etc.

(Note: I'm not really in favor of legalizing all drugs, just marijuana, tax revenue from which should by itself take care of most of the above problems. I also don't give a shit whether welfare recipients are on drugs, but that's just me)

Benji said...

I'm fine with that.

Cate said...

Until we as a society acknowledge that addiction is a disease, not a crime and until we can acknowledge that welfare is a necessary and good service that actually helps the economy, going down this road isn't very smart.

rob said...

and studies have shown that drug use in welfare recipients isn't any greater than in the general population. on a moral and fiscal standpoint, this is a bad idea.