Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Who would win in a fight: a caveman or an astronaut?


Scottie said...

WTF is an astronaut gonna do? Physics the caveman to death?

Mike said...

It would totally depend on weapons. Hand to hand caveman would destroy the astronaut. Savage, strong, no contest. If the astronaut had access to modern technology though...

Dan said...

Home-field advantage is everything in this matchup.

Mike said...

Technically I guess the astronaut could land a space shuttle on the caveman.

Benji said...

Caveman no contest

Andrew said...

Astronaut ... i doubt the caveman can crack the helmet.

rob said...

if the fight is in space, definitely the astronaut.

also, astronauts are in peak physical condition, scotty. i bet one could take a caveman in a cave.

BP said...

The Astronaut would win on sheer shock value. The Caveman would be so stunned at the futuristic beast before him, that he would cower to the ground.

Plus Astronauts live on a diet of freeze dried Neapolitan ice cream. That s**t makes you a crazy mofo.

beenu said...

does the caveman have a trained dinosaur that will kill on command? if yes then i think you know the answer.

sean said...

C'mon, we all know which'd make it out of a phone booth in one piece.

Mike, an astronaut couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a 4,000-ton glider, never mind an agile 5-foot tall man. Maybe if he was deaf and asleep on the runway, but that would be one lucky astronaut.

sean said...

Also, living on a diet of freeze dried Neapolitan ice cream makes you Caveman-food.

Cate said...

team caveman