Friday, November 19, 2010

Which Hogwarts house would you like to be in and which house do you think you'd actually be in?


rob said...

huh? are you speaking english?

ummm, my captcha is "hatenjus"

srzly blogger? didn't know you had some walt disney in ya.

Andrew said...

I don't subscribe to paganism

Stacia said...


Cate said...

the evil one because i'm evil.

omg - my captcha is evins - that is almost evil! [evil laugh]

Benji said...

I'd want to be in Gryffindor but I'd probably end up in Ravenclaw with the rest of the science geeks.

Leslie said...

Yeah... what Ben said. I love Harry Potter!

Hailey Snow said...

I would totally want to be in Gryffindor, but the sorting hat would see all the evil in my head and put me straight to slytherin... and the sorting hat is NEVER wrong.

John said...

Oh fuck, that movie is coming out today isn't it. Why couldn't they just be like Lord of the Rings and only do three of these?

Matt Roberts said...

That would be too easy John...perhaps dershi even [captcha word].

I don't know enough about these movies to say, as long as no one sparkles though I am happy.

Dan said...

They'd probably send me off to the woods with the big ogre guy.

Evan said...

First of all if you hate Harry Potter why bother answering? No one needs your hate and ignorance.

Second of all my schools finally upgraded their PC's so I can actually respond to question of the day.

Thirdly...I am totally in Hufflepuff. And proud.....goooooo BADGERS!

Beth R. said...

I'm pretty sure I'd end up in Ravenclaw with the rest of the schooleys.

Leslie said...

Three way tie between Andrew, Evan and Rob.

MsBrontofuzik said...

I would like to be in Ravenclaw, but in Pottermore, Sorting Hat placed me in Slytherin :(