Thursday, September 23, 2010

Do you wash your recyclables before you recycle them?


rob said...

rinse, not wash.

the recycling center washes them so it would be a waste of water.

Beth said...

I usually rinse. Helps keep away bugs.

Hailey Snow said...

only if theyre ga-ross.

carolina said...

what? recycle? j-k. I usually rinse also, to keep away the ants that seem to have moved in.

John said...

having me recycle is hard enough, don't push your luck

Leslie said...

I've recently started washing them in the dishwasher (due to my mouse problem) and I wondered if that was weird. It appears it is indeed weird and bad for the earth. Damn.

Matt said...

What's recycling?

Dan said...

Sometimes rinse, never wash.

John said...

Leslie, isn't washing your recyclables in the dishwasher sort of defeating the purpose of being enviro friendly?

Cate said...

rinse. sometimes i don't even do that!

Leslie said...

John: It totally defeats the purpose. It's amazing what a mouse infestation will cause you to do.