Monday, October 19, 2009

What word(s) do you constantly have trouble spelling?


Dan said...


Cate said...

health. i say this not because i don't know how to spell it but because i type health many many times a day and i almost always mistype it - healht healht healht

my CAPTCHA today is crock!

John said...

Initiative, whenever i type that at work I'll usually get it wrong. However, about 8 out of 10 times I get Schrwarzenegger right.

Unknown said...

i also cannot type the word initiative (that took like three tries). also words with double letters or that i think should have double letters. I always try to put an extra m in amendment and typing recommend takes a few tries too. i always want to put in an extra c.

Beth said...

I have a lot. All of Karen's except initiative. I always want to spell "devastating" with two Es.

Andrew said...

maintenance. I always want to spell it maintanence. To get around it though, I call it "the help."

Lisa said...

I knew someone who spelled committment (<--- like that) on his intro. Freudian Slip perhaps?

Spelling is one of my pet peeves, but have trouble typing the single/double, double/double letter words like harassment and embarrassing without feeling the need to run spell check.

beenu said...

Definitely and occurrence.

(i totes just spelled check those two)

Scottie said...

Accommodate...can never remember if it has two Cs and two Ms. I sometimes have trouble with words like traveling, canceling...I want to put two Ls in there.

Slightly related note to all sports commentators: Resiliency is not a good word...shouldn't even be a word at all. The word is resilience. Resiliency (even though it is a word, I just checked) sounds like something Fred Durst would say. Thank you.

tamika said...

Commitment. I'm always confused with the double m and want to put a double t. Can't spell, can't handle it.

I also tend to mistype my name. Perhaps my parents should have named me Tamiak--life would be so much easier.

Unknown said...


I NEVER get it right...and sometimes the way I spell, spellcheck can't even figure it out.

Mike said...

chief. I before E except after C and when sounding like a as in neighbor and weigh and on weekends and holidays and all throughout may and you'll always be wrong no matter what you say!!!!

Thanks Brian Regan.

Scott F. said...


The Chris Bannon Blog said...

restaurant and restaurateur, and any word that has a brit spelling, favourite, harbour, etc thanks to my Canadian schooling