Friday, October 9, 2009

Finish this sentence: Pickles are _________.


Unknown said...

what's for lunch!

Conor said...

Awesome in the short term,but bad breath in the long term, underrated underneath a hotdog on the bun.

David said...

meant to be cherished!

Dan said...

best served fried.

Leslie said...

so freaking good!

Unknown said...

what I used to eat for breakfast as a child, a giant dill pickle.

tamika said...

fantastic (dill only).

Cate said...

one of my favorite things to eat.

i knew a guy in hs who drank the brine from the jar. even i don't love pickles that much.

Leslie said...

Cate: I totally drank pickle juice as a kid. (And maybe last week.)

Janice Dickinson, Modeling Agent said...

... a sexual innuendo for a part of the male anatomy (and one of my favorite parts too, am I right ladies?)

Andrew said...

my new favorite thing to put on Potbelly sandwiches.

P.S. - Janice is totes right.

Unknown said...

I vaguely recall doing a pickle juice & vodka shot with the black shirts... delicious.

John said...

free when you go to the 18th and U Diner.

Mike said...


Unknown said...

gross...just the smell of them bothers me.

GC/DC said...

pickled cucumbers.

beenu said...

yummy, especially baby gerkins.

The Chris Bannon Blog said...

...err? what was the question? I had a good response but can't think of it after reading Janice's answer.....

Justin said...

really good from the "Pickle Bar" at Parkway Deli (in Silver Spring, MD)!

pinchie said...

best when POLISH.

Unknown said...

...sold individually in Texas. It comes in a little bag full of pickle juice and has 3500 mg of sodium.