Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bonus qotd: What are you more likely to watch on tv tonight? State of the Union or the OC Real Housewives Reunion? Neither?


Mike said...


Anonymous said...

I am in for a full night of television. First, I have the address to the nation. Then I have RH of OC Reunion, and then the new RH of NYC. Thank god for DVR.

Anonymous said...

State of the Union. Now if it was the Real Housewives of New York I may have answered differently. How happy am I that my favorite ladies are back on the air.

Dan said...


Unknown said...

SOTU. It's so nice to be able to listen to our president and not scream at the TV.

Cate said...

SotU but probably neither because its Fat Tuesday and I'm going to the Red Derby to celebrate. Yay!

Leslie said...

I have already scheduled a room cleaning to go with the state of the union. No commercials so no need for DVRing, which means no need to watch on the living room tv with the cable box. You all now know too much about our AV set-up. (If Cate typed that it would have been "Y'all now know too much about our AV set-up.)

Unknown said...

neither, i'll be celebrating fat tuesday at dance class. and i know this is sacrilege, but i'm a bit done with the endless primetime speeches and press conferences and interviews. i'd probably go with west wing on dvd over either tv option. or whatever shows up from netflix today.

Cate said...

y'all shout out! yeehaw!