Monday, March 3, 2008

What is the best thing about meatloaf?


Alyssa said...

only the fact that it is delicious... also, in my family we've taken to calling it "meat cake". that's way more fun!

Unknown said...

The ketchupy glaze/sauce on top.

Anonymous said...

...that it is [hopefully] only one of many options on the menu.

Scottie said...

Will Ferrell in Wedding Crashers is the best thing to happen to meatloaf in 30 years.

Anonymous said...

Paradise by the Dashboard Light. Oh, wait, you mean the other meatloaf.

SngngMSW said...

that it's worthy of being mentioned in an adam sandler song.

Anonymous said...


K8 said...

that it can be stuffed with cornbread and bacon!

Leslie said...


Leslie said...

oh and that the other meatloaf was in the ben affleck and jimmy kimmel music video. hilarious!

Ashley Hall said...

you can eat it with a bunch of ketsup! Anything you can eat with ketsup is delicious.

Dr. Pepe said...

the best thing about meatloaf is its hottie sister -- olive loaf

Anonymous said...

throwing it out the next day. second to that would be the mashed potatoes it is always served with. not a big fan of meatloaf...

Anonymous said...

leftovers, nothing like a meatloaf sandwich with ketchup!