Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If you had a lunchbox as a kid, what was depicted on the front?


Anonymous said...

Carebears! Or My Little Ponies. It was really pink, that's all I remember.

Alyssa said...

Yellow, cabbage patch kids eating lunch.

Anonymous said...

Teddy Ruxpin!

Leslie said...

a yellow cloth lunch box with a shoulder strap and a picture of rainbow brite. my mother made me get a cloth lunchbox so she could wash it and for some reason i was totally embarrassed by it.

SngngMSW said...


Anonymous said...

My Little Pony. I would have loved that Jem one though!

Ashley Hall said...

I never had cool lunchboxes when I was a kid, just reusable earth-friendly canvas ones with silly wildlife pictures on them. BUT, I do have a lunchbox now... and it has the Red Sox logo on it. It is excellent!

JP said...

I think I had a few, but the only one I remember is He-Man. By the Power of Grayskull!

Scottie said...

Transformers, baby! The lunch box totally transformed into a missile when fights broke out in the lunch room (mind you, this was last week)