Thursday, February 7, 2008

How would you go about getting a f*cking cat out of the ceiling between two floors of your house?


Anonymous said...

This happened to my ex. They tore open the ceiling where they heard him crying. Otherwise, leave a light on and a can of food by the exit? I hope your kitty is ok.

K8 said...

carmine is a viscious idiot but boy i love that cat. try to lure him down with food or call that guy that does the dog whisperer show. maybe he knows something about cats too.

Anonymous said...

Wait, I heard this one before. Remove their hats? Oh wait no. That's the "Popes in a Volkswagen" joke. Hmm, a lot of tuna near the exit?

Sarah said...

Be like the ING commercial and be the woman on the bench with the tuna...

Anonymous said...

Shake the kitty treats.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, make sure it survives. A dead cat stuck between the two floors of your house is way worse than a live one, for obvious reasons.

Cate said...

Entering the space above ceiling tiles = 12 Reprimands + $50 Fine at Liberty University. Sorry kitty.

Anonymous said...

wow...sounds like your cat is on the same spastic drugs that mine is on lately...hence why I got no sleep last night! Lay off the crack CAT! Practically speaking, I would start jabbing the ceiling with a broom...don't know if it will do much except make it scamper across the ceiling but its worth a shot...

Anonymous said...

use fire

Anonymous said...

Two words,,,,shot gun... thats for an f*ing cat if you love the cat get one of those grabber things.